Data and Models

Cause and effect. Models bring ideas to life right in the office and allow future developments to be evaluated today. Used pragmatically, they are an important working aid. Data and models provide a foundation for analyses and assessments. We undertake qualitative and quantitative modelling and create model-based analysis concepts for you.

Our expertise in Data and Models

Modelling and Simulations

Transport, energy, environment, business: these and many other sectors can benefit from modelling processes to present connections and assess the impact of a measure or a specific procedure. In doing so, we use models and applications that we develop ourselves and can adapt as necessary.

Scenarios and Forecasts

What we do now determines the reality of the future. This is how you or someone else decides about different future scenarios. We help you think about your future in scenario form – whether this concerns the society, economy or transport of the future: we develop scenarios of various kinds relating to your topic area. We create forecasting tools for transport companies or assess what risks climate change poses for development cooperation.

Indicators and Monitoring Systems

Indicators are useful for enabling us to measure issues, monitor developments, perceive changes and review objectives. Indicator systems can help ensure a more holistic perspective and sustainable development. Monitoring systems help key performance indicators and implementation results to be kept consistent at various governmental and organisational levels.

Environmental and Climate Footprints

We check how the public sector, companies and other organisations are faring with their environmental and climate targets. We do this by determining your environmental or climate footprint.

Auditing, Validation and Verification

We take a more detailed look at specific climate protection projects. We use quality assurance systems to ensure constant monitoring of specific key parameters, such as air quality.

The Tools We Use 

The methods we employ are as diverse as the data they cover. We offer:  

  • Impact and impact assessment models 
  • Input-output models 
  • Market forecasts 
  • Uncertainty analyses 
  • Monte Carlo simulation 
  • Emission factors for road transport (HBEFA)  
  • Airborne pollutant models 
  • Footprint analyses 
  • RUMBA environmental management tool 
  • Transport modelling