
Knowledge is paramount. But imparting knowledge is its own particular challenge. Analyses, strategies and measures will only have an impact if they actually land. Even complex topics need simple language. We help you translate your topic: in strategic and targeted form, from the first letter to the final sentence – for a specialist audience or the general public.

Our expertise in Communication


Whether a fact sheet designed for management, a brochure for the general public or a comprehensive multilingual final report, we get to the crux of the matter when we present the results. We find the ideal format for your target group.


Humans are visual beings. Sometimes, it is helpful to map things out. We therefore include graphics and visualisations in your publication where appropriate. We build a bridge between form and substance, because it is always important to translate things properly and find the right language, even when it comes to visualisations.

So sind wir kommunikativ aufgestellt:

Das Übersetzen von Komplexität in einfache Sprache und ansprechende Visualisierungen gehört grundsätzlich zu unserem Alltag. Gerade unsere thematische und methodische Breite hilft uns dabei. Unser Kommunikationsteam unterstützt mit seinem textlichen und visuellen Know-how. Bei Bedarf arbeiten wir auch mit externen Kommunikations- und Grafik-Fachleuten zusammen.
