Critères de qualité applicables aux informations environnementales

1 décembre 2011
Information on environmental impacts of products, companies and economies does not always convey a reliable pricture. To improve transparency, the Federal Office for the Environment commissioned INFRAS to define quality requirements for environmental information which in turn should lead to an improvement in quality and transparency. Central is that information relevant for decision-making is made available. In addition, particular attention is given to the overall picture, i.e. to the inclusion of all relevant environmental impacts along the whole life cycle. Additional quality requirements are how reliable, transparent, comprehensible, coherent, comparable, up-to-date and relevant the information is. The analysis also assesses the central approaches for the determination of the environmental impact of economies and illustrates how far they convey a true picture.

Equipe de projet

Regina Schwegler Cheffe de secteur, associée
Rolf Iten Ancien membre de la direction, associé


2009 - 2012




Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU Sektion Ökonomie


Regina Schwegler Cheffe de secteur, associée