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International Baseline Rules Are a Precondition for Well-Functioning Carbon Markets

, , , | March 20, 2017


Greenhouse gas emission reduction projects of different countries can only be assessed, compared and plausibly certified when applying international valuation standards. This is a precondition for well-functioning crediting mechanisms, by which effective projects are awarded with tradable certificates. This is one of the conclusions reached by INFRAS, in cooperation with other climate experts, in a report commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency.

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The Way Basle Wants to Continue its Development

, , | Jan. 5, 2017


New tram routes in the city of Basle, direct accessibility to the A18 motorway at Aesch and an upgrading to a mobility hub of the border and customs point Lörrach-Riehen: These are important measures of the new agglomeration programme of the Basle region. The programme has been developed in joint collaboration by many actors from Germany, France and Switzerland. INFRAS has accompanied the process closely and has contributed to establishing the programme report.  

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Sustainable Development: Do We Make Any Progress?

, | Dec. 19, 2016


Extreme poverty and hunger shall be eradicated by 2030. These are two of the in total 17 goals, which have been set by almost 200 UN Member States in the light of the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". The Statistical Office of the European Union has determined a set of indicators for each one of the goals in order to monitor and measure the ongoing progress. Furthermore, a regular overview of the results shall henceforth be published.

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Transportation of goods

What to Expect from “Cargo Sous Terrain”?

, , | Dec. 8, 2016


This is how the transportation of goods and city logistics may work in the future: underground, fully automated and funded by the private sector. How strongly can traffic be reduced by CST? How can the logistics industry and Switzerland as a logistics hub gain from CST? How can Switzerland's economy as a whole benefit from CST? And how does the CST concept meet the requirements of spatial planning? A study carried out by INFRAS on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Transport (FOT) provides answers.

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Network Supplement Refund: From 500 up to 1500 Eligible Companies, Depending on the Implementation F

, , | Sept. 12, 2016

An energy-saving target agreement with the Swiss Federal Government, a share of more than 5% electricity costs per gross value added, and a refund amount of at least CHF 20'000 per year: Under these conditions, large commercial or industrial end users are entitled to a refund of their national network supplement for the promotion of renewable energies.

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Climate Protection: Emission Scenarios 2030 Show Need for Action

, , | Sept. 7, 2016

© Gaetan bally / KEYSTONE

Since 1990, Switzerland has strongly extended and consolidated its mix of measures of energy policies and climate policies. This approach has proven successful. While our greenhouse gas emissions would have risen (1990 to 2030: +6%) without the necessary influence of energy political and climate political measures, we can now expect a decline in emissions (1990 to 2030: -17%) due to the implemented and continuous measures. At the same time, however, it has become evident that there is still a need for action if the targeted reduction of -30% shall be achieved (target 2030 in comparision to 1990).

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Transport Outlook 2040

Development of passenger and freight transport in Switzerland

, , | Aug. 30, 2016


In collaboration with the federal offices concerned, the Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE calculated how transport in Switzerland will develop up to 2040. In the reference scenario, the person-kilometres travelled will increase by a quarter by 2040. This is slightly less than projected population growth. By 2040, the share of all transport accounted for by public transport will rise by four percentage points. Assuming a 46 % increase in GDP, both the volume of freight transport and the tonne-kilometres transported will rise by 37 %. The cost of transporting freight by road will increase more than the cost of rail transport, so the modal split in terms of tonne-kilometres will shift by two percentage points towards the railways. (Photo: ARE)

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