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Energy company benchmarking analysis 2021/2022

How are energy companies faring with regard to renewables?

, | Jan. 27, 2023


When it comes to energy efficiency and expanding the use of renewable energies, electricity, heat and gas suppliers play an important role. The latest energy company benchmarking analysis shows where energy companies have already done a great deal – and where a fair bit can still be done. 

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Roadmap for technology selection

The path to a climate-neutral fleet of heavy duty vehicles

, | Jan. 18, 2023


Corporate objective: become climate neutral. To achieve this, companies also have to start looking at their vehicle fleet. And when it comes to heavy duty vehicles in particular, this raises some questions: What drive system is the future? How is the total cost of drive technologies changing? INFRAS created an analysis with a roadmap until 2040 for a large logistics company. 

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Long-distance mobility in Germany

Clearing the fog of long-distance mobility

, | Dec. 8, 2022


Few journeys, but plenty of kilometres: nearly half of Germany’s transport is used for long-distance travel. As a result, this behaviour is difficult to change for the benefit of the environment, as highlighted by a study conducted on behalf of the German Environment Agency (UBA) by a consortium including INFRAS.

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Approaches in early childhood

Fostering early language development: Cantonal approaches – and where there is need for change

, | June 29, 2022


How can children with insufficient language knowledge be fostered more effectively? A team from INFRAS, the St. Gallen University of Teacher Education, and the University of Geneva evaluated the research literature and analyzed the situation in Switzerland for the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI).

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Transition finance in Switzerland

The road to net zero – finance and the real economy

, | May 12, 2022


What does transition finance mean to the Swiss (financial) economy and what are currently the main challenges faced in financing the transition to net zero by 2050? INFRAS examined this in a study conducted on behalf of the WWF. Based on this, the WWF has drawn up recommendations for Switzerland’s financial market, industry and politics.

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