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How global climate change affects trade relationships

, , , | May 12, 2020


In addition to the national effects of climate change, the international impacts of climate change are in particular an increasing risk factor for the German economy. A research project commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency that lasted several years analyzed which impact chains affected international trade. The study makes clear: both governmental and private stakeholders will be increasingly challenged.

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Paris Agreement

Attributing mitigation outcomes between climate finance and international carbon markets

, , | Nov. 6, 2019


The Paris Agreement requires developing countries, like other nations, to take wide-ranging action to mitigate climate change. In order to finance large scale mitigation action, development banks blend climate finance with resources from international carbon markets. A team of experts is developing and analysing a range of solutions on behalf of the World Bank.

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Paris Agreement

How to increase ambition with Article 6?

, , | Nov. 1, 2019


Article 6 of the Paris Agreement enables the signatory states to cooperate in mitigating climate change. However, the market mechanism can also create false incentives, for example if host countries set less ambitious targets for themselves in order to be able to sell more internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMO). Together with an international research team, INFRAS developed four approaches to counter this phenomenon.

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